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A member registered Jul 06, 2023

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Hi there Norrimo, thank you for your message :) 

I completely understand the budget issue, maybe next year then! 

Of course, that is the tricky part when it comes to puzzle type games where key words play an important role (otherwise the player just won't be able to progress...) But for what is worth, we already handled similar games in, for example, korean and from what I remember, the crucial part was during the LQA where there was a need to carefully check each key word so the player's experience would be as natural as possible. 

But anyways, look forward to hear again from you in the future :) 

I'll just leave my mail there just in case if you want ever want to reach me out again!


Hi there, I just discovered your game through Wholesome Games's website and I need to say that it looks really cool!

I work in a video game localization company called Active Gaming Media and by looking at your progress, I believe that you are 'almost' at the end of it so I was wondering if you were interested in localizing your video game into other languages.

Maybe it is not something you plan to do right now since you mentioned that you could not afford a compositor at the moment so maybe after your game gets released?

Let me know if you are interested :)

In any case, keep up the clean work!